How Often Should You Tune Up Your HVAC System? - An Expert's Guide

Most homeowners understand the importance of regular maintenance for their HVAC system. To ensure your air conditioning unit and all of its moving parts work as they should, it is recommended to schedule a minimum of one annual tune-up. This service, which is sometimes referred to as “clean and check”, is best done every spring, before the cooling season begins. If you live in a warmer climate or make heavy use of the system, consider scheduling a second regular maintenance visit during peak season to keep system performance at a high level for the rest of the year.

If it has been longer than usual between annual adjustments, your system may start to show signs that it's time to call your local Carrier dealer. You don't need someone to come every couple of months. However, checking your unit a couple of times a year can be beneficial in a number of ways. We suggest scheduling a tune-up in spring and another in autumn.

These biannual maintenance checks can help fix small problems before they become serious issues and extend the life of your system. According to Google Trends, two main searches related to the topic “AC tunup” are “AC tunup special” and “AC tunup cost”. By letting a technician check your unit a couple of times a year, between the toughest seasons, you set yourself and your air conditioning system up for success and savings. While air conditioners are developed and tested to work reliably for years, an annual air conditioner tune-up can be the key to keeping the air conditioning system running at peak performance and helping to improve its lifespan.

On the other hand, with a set-up for autumn, you repair any damage caused by the hot summer months and prepare for the cold winter months ahead. Although air conditioning units usually take a little longer to maintain an optimal temperature in larger homes or at the hottest times of the year, if the difference in cooling time is drastic enough for the homeowner to notice, it is likely that the air conditioning unit will need a tune-up. If utility costs are higher than usual, the air conditioning unit is likely to be working harder, which means it probably needs a tune-up. Scheduling regular adjustments for your air conditioning system can reduce the risk of a costly breakdown by up to 95%.

Keeping up with regular maintenance of your air conditioning system will increase the chances that it will continue to work for close to 25 years, instead of just 10 years. Regular air conditioning adjustments can help ensure that your system can meet the demands placed on it, extend its life, and even avoid some costly repairs. In addition to the usual air conditioning settings, it is also recommended to program an annual setting for heating systems. While it can be difficult to schedule a visit in the hot and cold months, technicians often have much more flexibility when it comes to setting up and registering during the spring and fall.

Some air conditioning companies offer a more complete service with stated performance guarantees, while others offer a more basic service at a special price to generate new business. It is essential that homeowners understand how often they should tune up their HVAC systems in order to keep them running efficiently and effectively all year round. An annual tune-up in spring is recommended as well as another one in autumn if you live in a warmer climate or make heavy use of your system. Biannual maintenance checks can help fix small problems before they become serious issues and extend the life of your system. Keeping up with regular maintenance of your air conditioning system will increase the chances that it will continue to work for close to 25 years.

Brad Alcaide
Brad Alcaide

Hipster-friendly twitter fan. Typical food specialist. Devoted bacon specialist. Hardcore twitter trailblazer. Unapologetic coffee fanatic.

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