Does an HVAC Tune Up Company Use Eco-Friendly Products and Practices?

Maintaining your air conditioning system is essential for it to work efficiently and keep it in top condition. To ensure that your unit is always running smoothly, it's recommended to have it inspected and serviced twice a year, just before summer and winter. During the service, a qualified engineer will check the coolant pressure and look for any leaks. You can also ask them for advice on how to reduce energy costs and increase efficiency. The most important maintenance task is to replace or clean the filters regularly.

Dirty filters reduce air flow and decrease system efficiency. They also cause dirt to bypass the filter and deposit directly on the evaporator coil, which affects its heat absorption capacity. Replacing a dirty filter with a clean one can reduce energy consumption by 5-15%.At Ice Energy, we take an energy conservation approach that focuses on equipment operating practices and preventive air conditioning maintenance. We evaluate the performance of chillers, cooling towers, air treatment systems, motors, and boilers, and implement energy saving measures.

We also look for modernization opportunities to conserve water and make facilities more efficient. Regular maintenance can reduce commercial air conditioning maintenance costs by up to 40%. Ice Energy's ice-powered air conditioning units can reduce energy consumption by up to 30%. To get the most out of any repair, improvement, or replacement of an HVAC system, it's best to work with a qualified contractor. Sometimes, the best way to improve HVAC efficiency is to upgrade or replace existing equipment and systems. Companies committed to a greener future are developing new materials and more sustainable alternatives to traditional duct wrap.

For more information on how to find and work with an HVAC contractor, check out PG&E's e-book The Complete Guide to Working with a Lighting Contractor or HVAC. If your HVAC equipment is more than 10 years old or isn't keeping your home comfortable, the EPA recommends that you have it evaluated by a professional contractor. Dirty filters overload HVAC systems by restricting air flow, cost more to use, cause poor indoor air quality, and generate more problems and maintenance costs than commercial HVAC systems.

Brad Alcaide
Brad Alcaide

Hipster-friendly twitter fan. Typical food specialist. Devoted bacon specialist. Hardcore twitter trailblazer. Unapologetic coffee fanatic.

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